Friday, November 28, 2008


Safiah Abd Aziz.
Kawan menangis. Kawan ketawa. Kawan begambar. Kawan buat note. Kawan tiru2 masa quiz. Kawan accident. Kawan masa break. Kawan masa tied. Kawan masa down. Kawan begosip. Kawan study. Kawan shopping. Kawan berangan. Kawan makan. Kawan semuanya.
(owh not to ye. u to mala. haha)
I miss you so so much piah!!!
Happy 23rd birthday.
You deserve a lot of better 'things' in your life.
The happiness will be yours. Im sure for that.
Mmmmuahhh!!!!Love you piah dearie!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Let the pictures do the talking

*the wedding cake*


*ashraf + fina*

*me after the wed*

*sume mls masuk sbb the ballroom sgt sejukkkk.hehe*

* me and along *

* husna and zul*CONGRATS!!

*me and pelamin. hehe*

*sedara mara*

*the menu*btw sup ketam itu marveles!!!

*ashraf + fina* husna + zul*

So I end up dgn pegi their wedding! hehe. Adalah exhausted sbb siangnya berjalan dan berpanas di Melaka. So gambar adalah tidak banyak pon. To Ashraf + Husna, both of u sangat berseri malam itu!. Wish you both live happily ever after dgn ur partners. =).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


masuk and my bos tgh tgk appoinment for next week.
( nak pggl dato' ke encik ke apa nie..)
"en. kamal, aa.. sy nak mintak cuti this friday bleh x? "
"apa dia? sorry?" (ya Allah, dia nk marah aku ke nie...)
"saya nk mintak cuti this friday..bleh x en. kamal?" (blagak cool n confident)
" yes. BOLEH! u ask hon for the form."
"owh..thank u en kamal."
" no problem".
so what's that mean?
at last, xtau dr mana courage tu dtg, sy berjaya ketuk bilik bos dan mintak cuti! haha. tau x nape sy tkt sgt? sbbnya mana ada cuti utk chambering student. we r not staff atau qualified lawyer yg the rights sume diprotect di bwh Akta Pekerja. hehe. hanyalah lawyer-to-be. so kalau nk cuti ke apa, sumenya based on consideration by the Master. thank God sy dpt master baek spt en. kamal. hehe. muahh!!
tp kn, 70% mmg sy akan pg knduri kawen my cousins.. serba slh dan x 100% happy.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Btw, kpd nama2 di bwh:

Julizan Elyza Zainal.
Zuraini Abu Bakar.
Zulaiha Abd Rahman.
Julia Johari.
Mohd. Hazrul Naim Hashim.
Mohd Rohaizad Md. Rejab.

Wahh..terernya saya bleh ingt full name kwn2 sklh rendh saya…haha.
Time kasih kerana menjadi kwn2 sepermainan dan sepelajaran saya dan menambahkan warna warna dlm hidup sy sebagai kanak2.
Diharap kita semua menjadi ’somebody’ dlm hidup. Hehe.
Do keep in touch kalau ingt saya lagi! =)
*wlpon sy tau u guys wont be reading dis. hehe

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Down the memory lane

Best friend.

The moment my mouth say these words I could easily get nostalgic. I had my really best friend when I am only 6 year old. I’m not even sure if this childhood friend fullfilled the real meaning of best friend, but all I know is that we cared too much about each other and to me, she stays unfogettable in my mind. Juliza Elyza Zainal. (see, I can remember your full name and spell it correctly) We first met at this particular kindergarden, Al-azhar. I was a mischievous little girl at that time. But Julizan was a very shy, fierce girl and barely talk to anyone. Unfortunately, we became close and closer. Tadika Al-azhar adlah tadika yg sgt ‘alim-‘hehe. We ate in a biggggggggg plate, shared by two or three kids. Saya memang xkan lalu mkn esp mkn roti canai share dua org dlm pinggan besar. Huhu. I will only mkn2 kalau turn org share dgn saya adalah beliau atau adik saya.

Bila masuk primary school, SKT, we were not in the same class. It’s tough at first to adapt with new frens but then both of us were ok. But we were not as close as before anymore. In fact, both of us seemed alien to one another. Weird, huh? I mean.., zmn kanak2 pun dh ada konflik cenggini. Haha. We both had another best fren. Then, in Standard 4, we were become best friends again since we were in the same class, 4 Hijau. Hehe. Then the story of the Most Popular Gang begins here. Hehe. F.E.M.I.N.A. I don’t really remember where the word FEMINA came from, but it consists of 4 best, sweet, funny, smart and enjoyable little girls. Hehe. “Cunni the ‘cak broom’”, “Leha the Tomato man admirer”, Julizan the beautiful one, and me, the best among the best. Ahaksss. Just kidding’! ;)

Being school prefects doesn’t mean you are perfect. That’s what I’ve learned. Haha. In fact, the four of us were trouble maker. Haha. We were the blacksheeps, and surprisingly also the apples of the school’s eyes. Kami adelah prefect yg saja masuk class pkul 8 utk take time habiskan mknn RMT. Haha. Pastu jalan lenggang2 sambil gelak2 lepas denda student yg lewat kt gate.(ada 3 gate) so slalu gilir la dua2 org dgn the other prefect yg baek. Hehe. Giler annoyed la time tu. Sori ye kpd sesaper yg png kena denda dan digelak2. huhu. Sori sgt2. darah muda time tu.. haha. The best thing about Femina adlah kita adlah smart. Haha. Bukan riak takbur, tp btl…Bolehla kan. Sklah rendah, jd scorer xbg can kat geng lain. Huhu. Tp ada sorg dua budak lelaki yg akan menyelit2 di celah2 femina bila kuar result exam. (yg kekal dlm ingatan adlah Naim dgn Rohaizad) Haih...cubala dpt number 5. bg kami 4 org conquer. Haha.

I could vividly remember that we will buy our breakfast; nasik lemak dari Ucop and will enjoying our breakfast dlm stor 6 Berlian. Hahaha. Lepas mkn, main Sahibba, congkak, atau chess. Hehe. Tp langit x selalunya cerah kan… Ada masa susah kami, fighting with another geng, berpuak2, kata mengata. Mcm2la. That’s the most thing I hate bila kt sklah rendah. Hmmm…itu semua my childhood memories, dlm peringkt mengenal apa itu kwn2 dn persahabatan. Dah xde puak2. All of us got flying colours in UPSR, alhamdulillah, but there’s no more FEMINA after that.

And now, I don’t know if these 3 girls still remember all this memories or not. Cunni has moved to another chapter of her life; being a wife and a mother. Leha was completely different eventhough I believe that she had found her happiness and because of that, im happy for her.

And Julizan, I have no idea where she has been for all these while. I don’t know what had happened to her. It has been almost 12 years. I hope that she’ll be happy in whatever yg dia buat. I want to see her. I always make believe that I have forgotten everything about her. But I know that I was lying to myself. I always wondering what has happened to her, whether she’s still remember me the way I do. Tp saya xpenah ada jwpn utk semua persoalan ni. I always wish that I could meet her one day. I hope that she’ll realize that I really do appreciate what we had together.

Because she used to be my best, bestest friend.

And to me, some people are always close in heart.

They just do.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

saya ada masalah

Boleh x tolong saya selesaikan kes di nie.. meh sy bg facts of the case.

22nd Novmber(Sabtu) nie MY BEST FRIEND is getting ENGAGED. Dia bakal betunang di MARAN, Pahang. Mmg dia xpanggil sesape kecuali family dia (of course la kn. haha) n her two best friends, which is ME; dan sorang lg kwn kami(piah). Kami menjd saksi cmna dia menangis, frustrated, tertekan, give up, dan happy dgn relationship dia spnjg 4thn kt ukm. Dari sorang ke sorang, dan finally, she is getting engaged; a chapter before she become somebody's wife. Adlh sgt excited, thrilled, dan happy utk dia!!! Kami jugak dh jnji akan ada utk each other masa BIG day masing2..huhu.

On the same day, MY COUSIN is getting MARRIED. Kawen kt Sime Darby Convention Centre, KL. Sy adlah tidak kenal sgt dgn dia (eh. dua org skali. abang dgn adik). Sbbnya mmg jarang jumpa. Tp dsbbkan BLOOD relationship, my parents mcm nak sy pg KL. Lgpon, adik sy yg study kt Pahang pon pg jugak KL. Sedara lain yg jauh2 pon dijangka pg jugak. So mcm... family gathering jugak. Dan mereka BERKAHWIN... dua beradik serentak.

At the same time, sy jugak tidakla CUTI....hahahaha. Even kt Kedah, tp firm sy cuti Sabtu Ahad, sbb client senang datang jumaat, dan client mcm bank xcuti jumaat. So sy dh tanya Kak Najwa, bleh x nak cuti sbb knduri. Dia ckp ok jer. Tp sy takut nak bgtau BOS... huhuhu. Dahla aritu br cuti pg filing kt court Kl..huhu. seganla nak cuti...haha. Junior lg kan..huhu. Tkt plak kalau cuti, nnt staff kt situ (xcept the lawyers-lawyer sume on jer. hhaha) ckp sy NAIK LEMAK plak...Uwaaa.. So camana nie...Huhuhuhu =(

Any suggestion?