Wednesday, November 19, 2008


masuk and my bos tgh tgk appoinment for next week.
( nak pggl dato' ke encik ke apa nie..)
"en. kamal, aa.. sy nak mintak cuti this friday bleh x? "
"apa dia? sorry?" (ya Allah, dia nk marah aku ke nie...)
"saya nk mintak cuti this friday..bleh x en. kamal?" (blagak cool n confident)
" yes. BOLEH! u ask hon for the form."
"owh..thank u en kamal."
" no problem".
so what's that mean?
at last, xtau dr mana courage tu dtg, sy berjaya ketuk bilik bos dan mintak cuti! haha. tau x nape sy tkt sgt? sbbnya mana ada cuti utk chambering student. we r not staff atau qualified lawyer yg the rights sume diprotect di bwh Akta Pekerja. hehe. hanyalah lawyer-to-be. so kalau nk cuti ke apa, sumenya based on consideration by the Master. thank God sy dpt master baek spt en. kamal. hehe. muahh!!
tp kn, 70% mmg sy akan pg knduri kawen my cousins.. serba slh dan x 100% happy.