Monday, November 24, 2008

Let the pictures do the talking

*the wedding cake*


*ashraf + fina*

*me after the wed*

*sume mls masuk sbb the ballroom sgt sejukkkk.hehe*

* me and along *

* husna and zul*CONGRATS!!

*me and pelamin. hehe*

*sedara mara*

*the menu*btw sup ketam itu marveles!!!

*ashraf + fina* husna + zul*

So I end up dgn pegi their wedding! hehe. Adalah exhausted sbb siangnya berjalan dan berpanas di Melaka. So gambar adalah tidak banyak pon. To Ashraf + Husna, both of u sangat berseri malam itu!. Wish you both live happily ever after dgn ur partners. =).


Anonymous said...

dasatnya cake..

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...
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Anonymous said...

sarah terkomen dua kali. haha.

meriah jg ye wedding tue..dgn kek,ballroom..

anywy,yani tak nak join btn lagi ke? sarah nak pegi kt kaki bukit.

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...

lily: aah kn. tp xsdp sgt. hahaha

sarah: bgla number!