Thursday, December 31, 2009

twenty ten

GOOD BYE 2009.
Please be kind to me, ok?
Thank you.
*owh sgt lama tidak berbelog. ngee*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

f e d u p

raya sudah dekat. mud raya x datang2 lagi nie.

keje makin banyak. bukan ckit2 banyak. tp banyak2 banyak. dn sy adelah bengang dgn org court ** iaitu cik *****. perlukah buat keje sgt lembab? huhu. plisssssss. cpatla..cepatla ckit buat keje..tekanan la...uhuk. dhla nk wat pape kena tggu benda tu. pending memanjang. stress thp gaban tau x...

xlaratla..nk marah pon xde mud. nk mengamuk pun kena sabar2...puasa ni..aduh..kesimpulannya entry ini adelah luahan hati semata2.. fed-up la dgn org mcm ni...consider la time org lain sama..aduh.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sy adelah suka.

:: Can u believe sumone really made this for me? i never thought he was serious bout that until he gave me this. Even that sampul adelah handmade ok..hehe. owh sgt terharu. haha ::

:: hehehe ::

And...i got this for my birthday present!!

:: handbag idaman kalbu. lalalllalalala...dn berjaya mengaccomplished one of my resolutions. sgt bestt!!! xtaula kan. tp sumhow he just knw. =) ::

~From the bottom my heart, thank you dear.~

Friday, August 28, 2009


I am now officially 25!

hehe. dalam hati stil 18... haha.
TQ utk sumer2 wishes dan hadiah.
Saya adelah sgt mghargai kalian sumer. hehe.
ayat cam skema jer..xpe mari teruskan. haha.
Selain itu sy adelah sgt sgt bersyukur sbb bnyk benda..

Terima kasih Ya Allah. =)

Dan...Its been 8 months since this "my to-do-list". heee

1. Nice spa!
2. Go fishing.
3. Bungee jumping.
4. Buat tart nenas yg plg sedap!
5. Hiking / berkayak (kt tasik yg ada burung2, dan teratai2.owh cumel-DONE! hiking kt Tmn Negara Penang. hehe
6. For some good reason, tgk muka sendiri masuk paper/tv.
7. Pg Cameron/Genting/Pangkor/Langkawi dgn Haida. Lalallalala..
8. Blajar tukar tayar keta sndiri.
9. Round Europe. (enuff money, pink health, best companion=perfect package)
10. Drive Harrier.(xbeli pon bleh drive jdla . Haha)
11. Know the exact location of each n every country in the world.(sprt mghafal atlas)-owh dah beli GLOBE yg sgt cumel. hehe
12. Having a realll breakfast in bed. Ada orang masakkan saya breakfast. Dan served breakfast itu kt saya atas katil when i woke up. Hahahaha.
13. Lps habis the series of Prison Break, tgk balik citer itu dari 1st season. haha
14. Becuti 1 family setelah semua org confirm mendapat cuti >1 week . hee - DONE! off to sarawak aritu.
15. Reunion dgn kwn2 sekolah rendah (Julizan, Leha, Cunni, Naim, Rohaizad, Julia, Usop, Waheeda, Arnie, Anis etc etc)
16. Tiup buih sabun dan tulis nama sy atas pasir tepi pantai time sunset.
17. Wlpun xsuka mekup, tp nak blajar mekup betul2 sampai terer. (owh saya sungguh tidak reti bermekup)
18. Tgk wayang! hahahaha. owh sy x tgk wyg.-DONE! hahaha.
19. Buat full medical check up & donate blood.-owh pg hspital aritu purposely nk donate blood tp xboleh sbb xcukup berat. hoho
20. Paint a self-portrait.
21. Pg lbh bnyk theme park dan ride lbh bnyk merry-go-round.
22. Shopping di Bandung!!
23. Be stronger, mentererkan diri utk communicate dgn org, deal dgn client, + judge.
24. Nak coach handbag!!!! Ngeh ngeh- LALLaLALALLa.. TQ. =)
25. SLR + photography class. hee
26. Officially mnjd Peguambela & Peguamcara, Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya by next year. -ACCOMPLISHED. hehe
27. My ultimate dream; to own “My Little Best Friend”.

Sekian. hehe.

Live ur dreams people! =)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

yani had been called to the bar today.

Kindergarten..Primary School..Secondary School..Campus life..
and 9 months of being a chambering student.
I had been called to the Bar today.
Officially being an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya.
Thank you Allah.
I'm blessed.

to whom it may concern:

t.h.a.n.k y.o.u.

even u were not there,
this lovely roses had made my day. =)

Friday, July 17, 2009



Sunday, April 5, 2009


i'm going to butterworths' court esok. mintak2 sume ok.
sbb i hate pg jauh2 n waiting soooo long at ct and then interpreter kuar dn ckp kes postpone. adeh. mcm...ape jer.
but then xbleh slhkn sape2 jugak..huhu.

Lps tu akan meronda2 di Bukit Mertajam sbb ada appoinmnt dgn seorg 'big client'. haha.
Mmg xtau ofis dia ktne tp kena jugak jumpa dia.
Hopefully area tu x horror.
Dia dh pesan kalau xjumpa org dia akan pg ambik, tp mcm xberani jer jugak mcmtu.
baik pg sndiri. hoho

Otw balik nak singgah office jmpa org LO kt SP.
Dh beribu kali cal dan mls sudah nk cal maka baik pg jumpa orangnya terus.
xpuas hati bleh sound direct jer. hahaha.

So 3 tmpat esok. Kalau sempat, masuk ofis.
Kalau xsempat(dalam pukul 4.15 pon xsmpt dh),
balik umh terus je kottt....

Eh tapi...
files utk cases on tuesday xambik pon lg..

~~heee. penyeri ahad. hahaha~~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

because i feel it. ngeee

“Nama my wife dh ada kt loh mahfuz. .mcm mana peribadinya, ditentukan oleh mcmmana peribadi saya”.
(nice...hehe. so encik. dah confirm blm yg mana satu? =P)

”Apa hikmahnya brkhwin? kahwin tu supaya kita rs selamat, rindu yang kita rindu sebelum nie boleh capai matlamat. rasa tenang dan selamat sebab dah duduk sekali. becinta pun halal. sayang pun dapat pahala. boleh kita rancang kehidupan seterusnya.”
(cerita seorang ustaz...aduh. mcm mendalam giler jer. huhu.
mcm looooonggg way to go.)

” sbb tu Allah bg kuasa talak kt org lelaki, sbb org llki boleh pk jauh xikut perasaan, org llki xkan cakap cerai senang2. sbb tula gaduh mcmmna pun suami xmau ceraikan isteri dia. org prmpuan gaduh ckit pun nk mintak break. kalaulah org prmpuan ada kuasa mentalak, nescaya tiap2 harilah dia mentalakkan suaminya... hahaha”
(kepada kamu yg berkata begitu:
cisssssssssssssssssssssssss. sooooo not funny ok. hoh)

”mungkin kita xleh jadi hero n heroin. but still sy nak awk jd watak pembantu utama. sbb? we are best friend.”
(mgkin kita xbleh jd hero n heroin? luahan yg plg honest. huhu. nk nangis okkkkkkkkk. haha. tp i knw well psl nie, so did u. hidup baik-baik ok!)

terima kasih kerana mengajar saya macam2. time kasih cikgu!=P

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


1. Saya demam. Hee. Bermula dgn sakit tekak dan pedih giler. Sore throat. It's a sign for me. jarang sakit tekak. sangat panas dan tadi dok bunyi mcm2 sakit tekak makanya satu ofis dok pusing tgk i kt bilik. haha. giler rs nk ambik cuti tp sbb lawyer ade yg cuti so takut lawyer yg ada xtercover court plak. sian nnt. dah makan ubt mcm2 nie tp tak jadi apa lg. huhu.

2. Ada clerk kena fired td. hoho. i was shocked mcm...ape jer. tak sgka. huhu. tp at one side, banyak hikmahnya utk dia. dia slalu dibuli org mereka2 yg jenis xsayang mulut. huhu. gud luck in ur future!

3. Ok. i dah tau sape org tu. hahahahahahaha. mari gelak beramai2. sbb...sekarang br i tau sapekah orgnya. then i was like, "ooo...patutla...." "patutla aritu...." and again...and again.... haha. Tidak kusangka. haha. Tp xpe. Brkawan biar beribu lemon kn... i'll draw the line. =)

4. Owh. I said, "cisss...toek btl" to someone, then he replied "toek? x elokla ckp cmtu...".

So the question is,

What is 'toek' actually means?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Disbbkn lama x ol, slalu giler tgk Japanese moviessssssssssssssss. Best giler. Sangat brbekas di hati. haha. bleh plak nangis2 sampai blurr xnmpak skrin, so kena pause. hahaha. bukan stkt 1 movie, lebih yer yg mcmtu...adeh. kronik. haha. Sape dh tgk Koizara? tgklaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...haha.Citer lama actually tp sy ketinggalan ketapi. haha. Nodame yg lawak nk mampos tu pun bleh nangis. haha. Haihhh...xtaula nape sensitif sgt bila tgk citer jepun. ke sy mmg snstf? lol

Owh sy melalui bbrpa hari, pagi dn petg yg gelap.
Mendung. Hujan. Ribut.
Semendung hati dan seribut otakku. Argggghhhhhhhhh!!!!

Sapekah gerangan yg mencalarkan keretaku??!!!!

huhu. Scratch yg bnyk dan dasat ok…dua line. kt pintu kete sblh kiri. huhuhuh. tension giler. kete dhla itam, tiba2 ada dua line putih. aduhhh…mcm nk nangis jer. huhuhuh. nk ambik duit pg cat la. huhuh. xmo bgtau abahla..huhuhu. Ke nk abah yg bayar? haha. Xmo2. Kali nie sy nk setel sndiri. Tnya shah dia ckp dlm 300. aduh..buat jela kn. drpd sakit mata dan sakit hati tgk benda tu ari2. uawaaa…jahat ye org tu..huhu. nk terlnggar lari pun bg calar ckit2 dhla..huhu. haha. Mencabar betul yer keje tgh town. Nak dapat parking susah, dh dpt, risky plak. Adeh...Ok2. Sabar2..No whining. ngee. =(

21 things girls don't realize

Owh dpt nie dr frnstr. Haha. Mcm xpecaya semuanya. haha

1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.... ~ may be…

2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try. ~ so do girlsssss okkk!!

3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(: ~hmm…no komen. haha

4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to. ~ xrasa jeles sgt ke cmtu..

5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out. ~ hahahhaha. Dis is my habit actually. Dgn saper2 pun, because of my 2nd thought. Mula2 mcm nk bgtau, then mcm ada satu neuron menyebbkn otak bgtau; stop!! Jgn ckp!! Ha. Dats y lah..haha

6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice. ~ correct

7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. ~ eh kalau ramai pon mcm tu?? Adakah perasan? Haha. X strongla point nie..haha

8) GUYS LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU LOVE THEM!!! ~ bolehkah mengukur by gender? nope.

9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot. ~ ye ker? lol

10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl. ~ owh xtau. haha

11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something ~ no idea jugak

12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is
Guys rarely say that.. ~ ye ker…??!!!

13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me”. ~ so do girlsssss. Hati ckp lain. Mmg begitulah selalunya...haha

14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up. ~ mcm big issue jer…

15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
something. ~ and that something is…?

16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them ~ konon…mcmla derang x..

17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day. ~ ahaha. ye dan lagi kalau dh tau I nak tu…I nk nie…nk harrier..nk coach hdbeg..nk accord baru..haha. kan susah. baik xpyh tau kan?haha

18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
He's just too stubborn to admit it ~ yet, no man is an island..

19)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE!!! Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them ~ just because seorg prmpuan gedik doesn’t means kwn2 dia pon. ok???


21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life ~ ngeee..

Everything said in this bulletin is TRUE ~~~ sure or not...hahaha

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

dear blog, i'm back. haha

Assalamualaikum. heeee. lama tidak meng ol. Hambatan kerja dan masa dan streamyx agak xbest time2 hujan dan otak brcelaru dn malas dan mata tidak sihat. aa...alasan bnyk sgt kot yani. haha. Wahhhhh.....tidak percaya. almost a month! March is soooooo not my month. haha.

Sape nk keje kosong? Anyone?

Yani, nak tak jadi legal advisor utk isteri Menteri Besar *****?

Huh? senang-senang jer nak jd dgn xnak jadi ker? Nape tanya saya?

Saya tgk Yani mcm sesuai jer. Chambering dh nak abis. (helloooo...ethics sy tah ke mana lagi yer. blm buat lg. adeh) Sopan santun. ( cisss...ini adelah salah sgka yg paling besar ke atas sy. when u start to know me, anda akan sedar sy bukanlah sesopan yg anda sgka. hahaha) Gaji starting RM 2500. Plus elaun2 dptla almost RM 3k. Yani drive kn? Ada lesen kn? tp nape tnya sy? Dia nk cr org camana? kena intrvw bape stage? qualification apa?

Dia nak org yg ada basic in law. Kalau reporter tnya apa2, yani kena jawab on behalf dia atau bg advise the do’s and dont’s. Then dia nk yg brkenderaan. Akhlak bagus. Tak pyh intrvw. Dia mintak saya recommand sape2 sy kenal yg sy rs sesuai.

Hahaha. mcmla kenal sy sgt kn..haha. sy chambering je lg..erm..., ******** ada connection dgn MB ***** ke? senang2 jer dpt kuasa ambik org keje dgn derang terus..

haha. aa...adela cnnection ckit2. eh okla tu...yani bape bulan je lg nk abis kn. lepas yani abis chambering nnt, why dont u give a try, ok? skrg sy tolong dia ckit2 dulu.

ha??? menipu lah nie. xkan senang mcm tu je dpt keje dgn isteri MB?

Astaghfirullah...nie muka sy tgh main2 ker.. betul2 nie.. (sambil mengeluarkan beberapa dokumen dan menunjukkn msg2 di henset beliau sbg bukti)

owh. sori2, sy rs mcm simple jer tanya2 terus offer keja..haha. tp saya rasa xkot.... xreti la sy. lgpun xsuka politik2 nie..apath lg nk involve directly. hehe. sy xreti plan2.. biarla sy focus abiskn chambering dulu..huhu. tkt by that time, berubh fikiran. menyushkan sume org je kn..lgpun ingt nk try prsctise dulula skjp. hehe

nape? buknnya kena berpolitik pun la..yani pikirla dulu..tnya parents ker..

hehe. rsnya sy xsesuai kot.. baik tawarkn kt org lain yg lebih serius, brpengalaman dan berkelayakan.. sy bukan xnak pk dulu, tp nnt kalau tnya family, lg xboleh kot. haha. xnakla. ayah saya orang kuat ******. nnt conflict of interest. my father msti marah.

dia pun tergelak sama dn ckp yer la tu... hahahaha. xreti nk jwb apa yer. bukannya ada org kuat apa2 pun, cuma xtau alasan ape nk bg. hahahaha. sekian.

sbnrnya ari...apetah sy pegi duty kt legal aid cntre. intrvw klien.. dah abis pastu staf situ tnya sy ada tak kwn2 nk keje tu...ada org suh tnya..pastu pg court skjp. trtggl file. (aduh..cuak giler tkt fail hilang okk...sgguh careless sy. huhu. nsb baik org kaunter simpnkn. ) Kt situlah terserempk dgn seorg lawyer ini..lalu beliau bertanya semua yg ditaip di atas. haha. Tadi kt court trserempk lagi dn dia tnya lagi kalau bleh rekemen sape2. (i guess stil kosongla kn.haha)

So sape2 yg rs boleh menumpukan taat setia kpd isteri MB itu, sila angkat tgn dn hubungi saya. hehe. nie serius nie. bukan main2. mmg ada keje kosong dgn jawatan itu dan gaji itu. Cuma rsnya, bukan stkt legal advisor dn PA, tetapi juga merangkap peneman, driver, bodyguard perempuan, dan sebagainya. kalau rs anda layak dan berminat, do contact me as soon as possible. ok? the details i akan bgtau. xbleh disclose bnyk2 kt public. ngee.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sebab-sebab untuk saya berasa happy hari ini.

1. Smlm pg court. berjaya buat dock brief! yay. haha. sblm2 nie dok tnya encik polis, ada fresh case x? slalunya xde..ataupun ygni xbleh jamin…ataupun ada tp tggu juvana abis dulu. by the time juvana abis, pukul 12. 12 mcm bnyk keje je menanti kt ofis. so xbleh tggu, so smlm mcm dh setel keje kt ofis. so sy tggu smpai pukul 12…hehe. kes sy arini adelh ugut, section 506 Penal Code dn Dadah, sect 39A Dangerous Drugs Act. satu jamin 1500, satu 2100. Mcm dh konfiden ckit nk buat sorg2 pun nnt sbb dh tau cane nk interview accused sume. hee.

2. To Mr. lawyer-which-i-don’t-know-ur-name, thnx for the treat. nape xckp sndiri nk blnja… ni pg byr snyp2. kalau i tau u nk blnja bleh tapau sume kuih…hahahaha. tq2...

3. balik ofis after lunch hour..Miss Ch’ng ckp, yani ur new printer dh sampai. huh? bila I order? Miss Ann ordered for you. owh ye ker..ngeee. tq cik ann! tq2. I appreciate it. =)

4. owh selepas 2hari begaduh dgn haida, smlm dh ok. hahaha. sekarang makin kerap begaduh dan makin cepat baik balik. apakah. hahaha. dulu jarang giler gaduh. haida mlm nie gaduh lg jom. haha

5. I bought something, and I love it! hehe

6.Jadi sy sungguh brsemangat utk membuat research mlm ni! yay!~ no complain. no whine.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i hate you? i hate you not.

I wish I knew you so that i'm not wasting my time to hate you. I wish I knew you so that i know that u r not menggedik dn mengada, u r just being urself. I wish i knew you so that i'll always make believe that u r not a mean person. I wish.

Hmm..I think i hate you. But, being the nice person I am(hahhahaha. sempat lagi...), I feel bad everytime i hate you. boleh x? haha. Walaupun mereka mengatakan patut untuk sy memboikot kamu..ngee. Jadi wahai perasaan benci, sila kau berambus kerana sy tidak mahu kamu menyemakkan hidup saya lagi. Senak peruk, semak hati, serabut otak. haha. Mcmla u've been important part of my life blah kau! haha. Sbnrnya kn, I don’t know if hate is the right word I am looking for here...rather, aggravated or annoyed. Tp, sy tau hidup ini terlalu berharga untuk dipersia-siakn dgn mmbenci org seperti itu yg tidak pun sy kenal inside out. (I wonder if taking you anger upon somebody else is really worth it? Tak tak tak. tak berbaloi menserabutkn otak utk kamu.) Buatlah apa yg kamu suka ye...hehe. Best jugak tau ada org 'concern' psl kita, kn. hahahaha. Sukati kamula. Like i care anymore...

~Sometimes its better gibbering with your keyboard than with your tounge. Kan?

*Oh I really need somebody to dedicate Christina Aguilera’s I Turn To You. Tp sume org ade dlm dunia masing2. mls la nk menyebok. hee. Jadi mari tidola. haha. =P

Monday, February 23, 2009

mala, piya, esok dan penang. haha

she's beautiful, isn't she? hee.

Happy Birthday MALA!!!
Mala adalah org yg pendapatnya, minatnya, jiwanya, pemikirannya, caranya, sama dgn saya. haha. xpenah ada word begaduh atau bermasam muka antara kami sbb sume benda pun sama jer pkr. not even once. Bila ada problm dgn cara org lain, bila start je ckp, dua2 sama jer. jadi adelah tergelak dgn sendirinya. haha. Walaupun sudah brpunya tp dua2 org bleh jer admire seorang budak itu. hahahaha. di mana2 saja nama budak itu akan disebut. hahaha. giler betul. nsb baik piya xminat jugak. kalau tiga2 org giler, abisla…sape nk siapkan esemenn???? hahaha.
I love you mala! aku sudah tidak sbr mmbuat hantrn utk ko! hahaha

Td gayut dgn piya dan mala.

bnyk gossipppppppppppppppp.

haha. dok cni sorg2 mnybbkn sy lambat mgupdate diri dgn latest gosip. haha

rindu giler kt dua orang ini dn kwn2 di sn. huhu.
Mala nnt aku pg kl ko sila mengavailable kn diri.
Piya sila turun kl.
Haida pon sila jgn dating dgn org lain.
Echa jugak sila ada di kl. hahaha.

Owh. Jom naik ferry pg Penang esok! pg Komtar. Land office Penang. Padang kota. Penang High Court. Tidak tahu org2nya mcm mana sbb 1st time. heee. Hopefuly sumenya helpful, tidak kerek, dan efisyen. hehe.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Matters of the heart.

Kawan2..Mari kita belajar soalnya hati! haha

1. Believe it or not, the lawyer who was defending my case
stole my heart and I’m now married to her.
2. Really, your proposal came as no surprise to anyone. You’ve been
wearing your heart on your sleeve from the day you met her.
3. Do you know that Barrack Obama loved his grandmother so much that he’d go to visit her
in a heartbeat if he had the chance?
4. It is the norm of all election campaigns that candidates go to great lengths to
win the hearts of the voters.
5. The increasing rate of despicable acts against fellow human beings in our own country seems to suggest that an increasing number of people in our midst have traded their heart of flesh for a
heart of stone.
6. It is important that we
have our heart in the right place in all our dealings with one another.
7. Of course, I’m happy that my job takes me around the world, but I miss not having my family with me. After all, there is truth in the saying that
home is where you hang your heart.
8. Everyone knew that the son was
only a heartbeat away from becoming heir to his father’s fortune and corporate presidency.
9. Think what you will, but I still prefer to watch an old-fashioned romance film in this age and time because it really
warms the cockles of my heart like no other.
10. Are you telling me, with
hand on your heart, that you’ve not cheated on me?
11. Although I had only just met Mark, he
opened his heart to me and I could feel the pain he had suffered.
12. My
heart was in my boots as I waited for news from the hospital about my son’s accident.
13. Stop
eating your heart out for Lisa. She has plainly told you that she loves Louis, not you.
14. The horrific nature of crimes committed in our own country is
striking fear into the hearts of all Malaysians.
15. Parents are advised to talk
heart to heart with their children when problems surface so as to better understand one another.
16. Roslyn vowed she would never forget her father for the he had treated her but she had a
change of heart when he lay dying.
17. One needs both space and quiet time in which to ponder and make sense of things
in one’s heart.
18. You know that is just one person’s review of your script. You shouldn’t
take it so much to heart.
19. The young manager couldn’t
find it in his heart to tell the old waiter that he was no longer required to come to work.
20. My niece failed in her second attempt to obtain a government scholarship, yet she did not
lose heart.
21. My
heart missed/skipped a beat when my boyfriend proposed to me on bended knee in front of my parents!
22. Being senior in age does not prevent one from remaining
young at heart and having a zast for life.
23. It will surely
do our heart good to see all Malaysians truly seeking to live harmony as in the past.
24. Daily news report of hostilities and accompanying picture stories of atrocities commiteed all over the world really
tear my heart out.
25. We would like to
take heart from the recent developments in the country that the Government will put the people first before all else. cause someone to love you. make your feelings, especially love, obvious to others.
3.immediately do nice things for people to make them like/love you be hard, unfeeling or cruel. be kind and generous and have the right values in life
7.the place where your loved ones are.
8.the next person in line to take over someone’s position if they die
9.makes one feel happy because it shows that people can be good and kind. truth
11. to confide with someone feel anxious, worried or sad. suffer from longing or envy because you want something you cannot have.
14.make somebody feel fear. honestly and openly about one’s feelings. undergo a change in feelings.
17.the centre of one’s emotions/one’s deepest feelings and thoughts. feel very upset or offended. have the courage or compassion to do something. feel discouraged because of failure. feel excited or nervous. do things that usually younger people enjoy doing.
23. to feel happy, encouraged. make one feel very sad.
25. to feel encouraged.

[ sumber: STARTWO]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My best companion.

For many many reasons, I love her. The way she made me laughed, the way she made me feel completely at ease, the way she consoled me and made me feel contented, the way she pulled me away from the house of madness when signs of depression are seen around me, the way she carried herself, everything. I love her. For years, I’ve cried on her shoulder. And I am 100% sure that for my entire life, I will never met someone who understands me as well as she did. I know that. And because of that, I appreciate her a lot.(I meant it) I’ve done everything I could to make sure our bond lasts forever. Or at least that’s what I believed.

Somewhere along the way, for some particular reason, there’s a bit complication arose between us. It makes everything turns out to be soooooo complicated. I myself started to feel the distance. A lot of things keep lingering in my mind which cannot be erase. I believed she feel the same way too. But I've also learned that as our surroundings changed, people do changed too. In certain parts, so did I. I’m a human, and I’m sooo not perfect. I’m not proud of myself if I did wrong, if I ever hurt my best friend’s feeling. (I am really sorry for that. =( I want us to treat the wounds as well as heal the sorrow, shall we?)

Haida and I have shared so many great things in life, and have walked through so many paths together. I don’t want to loose her, because I just can’t stand not having her in my life; being my ears and my eyes. After all, that’s what friends are for, rite?; read each other’s thoughts, finish each other’s sentences.

So Noorhaida bt Shaari.

Today is 19th February 2008.

There you are. Turning twentyfive.

You are now officially 25 year old dear! hee


I wish you to have knowledge to make the right decisions in every choices, strength in your values, laughter and fun, goals to pursue, and happiness in all that you do. I wish you to have beautiful experiences each new day as you follow your dreams. I wish you’ll have all the love in this world and world after this. Thank you haida, 4 always be there, 4 your unconditionally kindness, care and love.

(Thank you 10 everything! ;p )

1997~2009=12 years of friendship..2009~ and still counting… =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


S.o.m.e.t.i.m.e.s. i.n. L.i.f.e.

by E.M Forster (1879-1970)

Ups and downs are a part of life;

Don't let them affect you in anyway,

For life is

a bouquet of miracles;

Don't let it just slip away.

Appreciate the beauty in everyone;

Enjoy the little moments of fun.

Someday, try to forget the stress,

And share with a friend

The serenity of the rising sun.

Everybody in life

Faces their moments of despair,

But in those moments,

Don't forget that God hears each prayer.

In those moments of sorrow,

Don't let go the little moments of joy.

Someday, take time to relax

And stare at the moonlight bathed sky.

It may not solve your problems,

But bring to you some peace of mind

Amidst those tears

Maybe a little smile you'll find.

Then keep up the faith and never quit.

There is something positive

Even when you are hardest hit.

Sometimes little things in life

Matter a lot.

Things don't always happen

The way you had thought.

Many times you'll fail in life,

But never let life fail you.


Sometimes adversities are sent

To bring out the best in you.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ada benda yang kita tau, tp slalu buat2 x tau.
And for some reasons, slalu buat2 lupa.
Ilmu tanpa amal adelh sia-sia.
Kan? kan? lallalalala... Ngee.

* Btw, bos sy blnja big apple donut teatime td. Heee. Donut itu adelh tersangatttttlah marveles! Baik kn bos saya… haha. ; P

smile now, cry later.

What would u do,

if the only person

who can make u stop crying,

is the person who made u cried?

what should i do? keep on pretending? escapism?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

that was an order. hohoho

~awat u x pindah masuk bilik? seganla bos. lgpun, sy chambering kn..baru lg.

~kamu segan kt sapa? staf? kamu nak jadi lawyer ke nak jadi clerk?


~jgn merendh diri tak bertempat. u must know where u stand. draw the line.

~dress, think and behave like a lawyer. u dah dress mcm lawyer. (well, sape pun boleh kn..hahaha. pakai jer blck n white. =P) so u must think like a lawyer too. depa keja utk u. just give them the order.

~proud becoz 1. u r a malay. 2. u r a lawyer. got it? esok pindah masuk.

baik bos...

//here i am...bilik yg sejuk gilerr.//

rumet yg best. hehe

Owh owh owh.

kolej pendeta zaaba// YaNi + EcHa //ukm 2008

Sungguh terharu. Tq echa!! Sumenya betul. haha

"Semalam saya baca my friend nya blog, yani. Ada pasal jawab tag-tag. Interesting lah. So, saya tak tau la apa tu tag, macam kita tau kita di tag.( don't blame me k, I'm new here) haha.. But teruja nak cerita 30 pasal my lovely friend, yani. Yani, cite pasal you ye. hehe.."

1) Yani is my ex roomate di kolej pendeta za'ba sesi 2007/2008. We both are final year students but dia fourth year and I third year.

~yer! hehe

2) Yani tua 2 tahun dari saya, tapi x nampak macam tua pun dan tak sesuai panggil kakak pun, so, I awal-awal panggil dia yani tanpa ada title kakak. haha.....

~yay yay yay!! Hahaha. Xpe I lg suka pon…=P

3) She is a workaholic girl la. Always doing her work je. Rajin gak this girl.hehe..

~biar betul echa…bukan yani ke yg keja dok tidoq jer..haha

4) Suka kumpul baju kotor banyak macam saya juga, kemudian baru nak cuci..hehe.. Pemalas kot kami ni. haha.. Tapi Tuhan je tau macam mane penat nya kami cuci semua baju tu. Kalau tak cuci pakai tangan, kami cuci pakai washer machine, tapi penat gak sebab nak cari syiling 50 sen 6 keping. kahkahkah.

~hahhahahahha. This is soooooooooooo true. Bukan pemalas kottt echa, mmggg pemalas. Jauh beza dgn irna dan kak dayang, hehe. Naseb baik ’rumet’ I slalu kumpul syiling byk2. ngeh ngeh.

5) She know a lot of my secret when I in love with this guy, and I also know her secret of her love. Girls secret, k :-)

~* winkwink.*

6) Second semester, bilik kami berseri-seri, our room full of flowers of love, love is in d'air..haha...comel la..

~hahahaha. Org tu lg berseri kan lps dinner kan…=P

7) Coffee addicted. She love her coffee! ;-)

~hehe. Smpai skrg yer echa…xtau bape tan caffeine dh dlm bdn nie.huhu

8) She got a surprised rose flower fake that she wanted. I know you are happy time tu kan. huhu..

~more to supprised plus shocked!! I tgh hangin kan. haha

9) She is a really good friends lah, you can count on her. Trust me (^_^)

~ thnx dear.u can really count on me. ; )

10) She has a lot of friends coz she rocks lah, best borak dengan dia ni.

~tp ramai jer yg mencariku semata2 utk menyiasat org itu brsama siapa kn..huhu. benci

11) Really commitment in her works. I know she can be a good lawyer.

~ hope so. Haha. Wish me luck!

12) She suka baju yang comel, beg yang comel, kasut yang comel, patung yang comel, bla bla bla...comel... hikhikhik..

~ye! Vote for cutessstttt thing in life. haha

13) Yani suka beli cendawan kerepok kat watson. Coz she is a mushroom lover. MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM (versi frankenstein voice)

~hehe. Echa tp ramai yg xsuka tau. Haha. Bape kerat jer yg bleh layan kopok ni dgn yani. haha. derang ckp rasa dia pelik.

14) Yani have best friends, haida, mala and piah. Banyak gak dengar cerita pasal mereka semua;-)

~hehe. U r my favourite person too!

15) Sangat kelakar dia ni. Ada sense of humour lah. hehe...

~jgn nk ckp ms I pg cc xbawak purse dn trpksa berhutang ek..haha. malu gilerrr

16) Sebutan 'wow' dia mmg lain dari lain. And I like it:-)

~ye ker echa? Xtau pon. Xpasan pon. Camana ek? Huhu

17) Suka bubur kat kedai ala carte, yani pernah curious gak apa makcik tu letak sampai dia boleh addict.Hmmmm.....

~aah sampai skrg xtau apa mkcik tu letak. Ish.

18) Now, I think, yani ni cepat addicted la. Yani, addict benda baik, xpe tau. Jangan x senonoh tau. Haha..

~eh tak2..

19) Dia selalu escape makan, samada lunch o dinner. Sungguh merisaukan. Nasib baik ada hero ni yang selalu beli kan makan untuk dia. He is yani's hero. Huahuahua...

~ wek..lallalalala..thnx 4 secret recipe!

20) Pernah dia jatuh sakit yang sangat teruk, saya risau gila, tak tau nak watpe, dah la tak ada kereta nak bawa dia ke klinik. panik gak la sebenarnya. Tak tau la dia perasaan. Yani, jangan wat macam tu lagi ye.

~ hehe. Thnx echa! Really appreciate it.

21) Pernah kena gatal-gatal. Kesian tengok dia garu-garu sana sini. Kelakar pun ada gak. Tapi tahan gelak je. Huhu..

~hahhahaha. Toek betul. Ada ke patut tahan gelak. Haha. Actually smpai skrg tau yani kdg2 naik ruam yg menggatalkn kt jari2 tgn dan kaki. Xtaula nape. huhuhu

22) Suka makan maggi yang kering tu campur perisa maggi tu. Pelik dan tidak sihat ye yani.

~ megi mentah yer..haha. mcm kopok. Yer2 tau xsihat...kadang2 je kn yani mkn..=P

23) I know who is yani boyfriend, I know who is yani boyfriend..riang nye..haha..

~sape? lallalaa...

24) Malam-malam, sebelum tidur, kami ada pillow talks. Best la, rindu nya saat tu.

~owh i miss this one too!!!pastu esok pagi br sedar tido xkunci pintu kn. haha

25) I really miss yani. Rindu bangat sama kamu la.

~gue jugak kangen bangat sama kamu..ajak r derang dtg langkawi!bleh jmpa. hehe

26) Hah, dia suka baca this section kat MPH mid valley, guest what, me too. Before this, didn't think there are other people will have that interest too.

~ada satu lagi! First time jumpa org yg tgk ‘popular’!! hehe

~27) She love to read novels, mostly from famous author. She have a good taste in choosing a good novel;-)

~hehe. Skrg jarangla echa..xbape nk ade masa. Huhu

28) Suka cerita Prison Break, have a huge crush with the hero. Hehe..

~haha. Melting~~~

29) She totally love her family. Always take care of them.

~more than anything!

30) Finally, Yani is totally rock, cool, lovely, sweet, funny, kind person!

~ala malula…hahahaha =P

"p/s: yani, if ada yang menyakit hati, sorry sangat. Really sorry."

P/s: Takde apa pon yg sakit hatila..hehe. sume betul pon..haha. x sangka bnyk benda pasal yani yg echa ingt. Even dua sem jer kita kenal. Hehu. Kalau tnya ex rumet yani msti nk senaraikn 10 bnda pon dia xtau. Haha. Dua sem yang sangat bnyk cerita. Dua sem yg sangt pnjaaaangg yet bila abis rasa sgt cepat. Dua sem yang mencabar jiwa, badan dan otak. Dua sem yang buat I know you. Dua sem yang kejap tido pukul 4 pagi, esoknya bgn pukul 6 pagi. Dua sem yang slalu balik lewat sbb either siapkan esemen kt bilik mala/piah or meeting mock trial kt ptsl dgn geng fpi or dgn kent.

Tq sbb slalu bukakan pintu tgh2 mlm bila yani lupa bwk kunci. Hehe. Tq sbb slalu bg yani tgk the bright side of everything. Tq sbb slalu ckp the 'cute' word bila yani tgh hangin.Tq. I appreciate it a lot!!!

Frens forever! I mean it. =)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Td sblm balik keje I dpt cal dr kak lin. kak lin ni lawyer yg skrg practise kt SP. (sori kak lin, xkenal sbb ckp kt fon pun xpenah, jumpa kt court pun xpenah, xpnh tgk muka pun. huhu)

Kak lin dh xlarat nk simpn lama2 nie…ish. kak lin ni mls jd org tgh sbnrnya.
Xphm pon…nape kak lin?
Ermm...Yani dh brpunya ke belum?

Wakakakakakaka. Tekejut i. xpnh ada org tnya direct mcm tu yer...Pstu i tnyala,

ha?nape kak lin?
Ada org tanya. Tp dia segan nk tnya yani direct. So dia mintk tolong kwn chambering yani yg pmpuan. Tp kwn yani tu segan nk tnya yani tkt yani attack dia. So kwn yani mintk kak lin tnyakan…
Yeke?? Sape?
Ala…kwn yani jugak. Yg prmpuan2 nie.. So dh berpunya ke belum? Tolongla jwb…serba slh kak lin.
Aaaa….sape..huhu. Tp kn, yani x available la. Hehe
Alaaa ye ke….
Not available ni?
Xpela kalau x. Thanx eh jwb. Kak lin bleh la bgtau dia.
Heee.. ok kak lin..

Wei sungguh curious!!!!
1.Sapekah orang itu?
2.Dan sapekah kwn chambering sy itu? Ciss betul.
3.Mungkinkh kwn chambering tiba2 bleh plak pi mintk tolong lwyer utk tnya?
4.Nak tau ke xnak tau? Err..xnakla...nnt kang kalau itu adlh majistret hensem tu... tak ke menyesal sebulan..hahahahahaha =P perasann...lallalalalala~~~~

* 012 6985128- btw, ini nombor encik polis yg instead of nk saman sy(sbb xpakai seatbelt =P), mintak sy blanja dia chicken chop. Last words from him, kalau xde abang lagi, jgn lupa cal sy tau. Haha. Jahatnya! jahatnya saya. haha. =P xtaula number tipu ke apa tp dia pksa tulis gak.cit.haha.ape2pn Tq sbb x saman saya! ngeee.

Monday, February 9, 2009

salah sape?

”Dah salah didikan, nak wat camana...”-KT

“Mak ayah dia xpandai jaga anak. Tu la yg jadi mcm tu”.-Kak N

”Aku bkn xtau keja ni haram. Tp aku bosan. Nk dinner dgn parents sndiri pun kena wat appoinmnt 4 bln”. - D

”Melissa jd mcmnie semuanya salah mama. Salah mama!”-Spa Q.

”Bapak yg bersalah dlm hal ini kerana membesarkan sazali secara membabi buta”-Anakku Sazali.

Now this is Yani talking.

Wajarkah mereka dipersalahkan 100%?

Wajarkah meletakkan beban ke atas bahu mereka?


Come on la people..

Cukup2la nak salahkan mak dgn ayah korang.. Sedihla.

Bukannya Tuhan bg akal kt derang dan xbagi akal kt korang.

Nape korang yg buat salah dgn rela hati pastu slhkan mak bapak sendiri.

Kalau dah tau salah...perlukah dibuat?

Ataupun, kalau dah sendiri buat salah, nak jugak buat, fine.

Tp patutkh ckp mak ayah yg xpandai mendidik?

Saya tau jgn judge org. Mmg betul setiap kes berbeza.

Kdg2 mmg parents terslh perhitungan dlm bentukkan anak dia. kdg2 mmg parents lah punca anak dia jd mcmtu.

Tp in the end, sapekah yg dibentuk itu? Sapekah orang itu?

Korang kan? Dan korang sndiri ada akal, kan..

Apakah kalau dh setiap kali ’bersosial’ dgn lelaki kt luar, then ckp xper mak ayah aku xkesah pon.

Apakah kalau org lain tnya eh ko xpg slt jumaat ke, then ckp bapak aku pon xpnh pg. Watpe aku nk pg.

Apakah kalau blajar tinggi2, tp dok ikut husband org pg bercuti berdua merata2..., pastu ckp mak aku xckp xbleh pon. Aku pg jela. Dh org ajak.

Apakah kalau kau ambik dadah, pastu ckp nk lupakan masalah kt umah sbb mak asyik membebel. Huhuhu.

Kenapa dan kenapa?

Muak la dgr.

Kalau ckp mcm tu time2 blm baligh xpela jugak.

Bolehla nak ckp dgn klisenya; ”ibu bapa la yg mencorakkan anak2”.

Tp tolongla....

Buruk mana pon mak ayah korang, for me dah xrelevan dah time2 menjadi ’dewasa’ nie. we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.


Anak Tok Imam xsemestinya jd ”tok imam”, anak penagih xsemestinya jd ”penagih” jugak.

Stoplah dr menyalahkn org lain ats apa yg berlaku dlm hidup anda. The choice is yours. Always.

Apa2pun, akarnya adelah agama. diri sendiri.

Mmg byk factor bleh jd penyebab, tp you yourself yg decide your next step kn.

Allah dah bg akal, ilmu pun ada, hati apatah lagi.

Jgnla biar akal tu jd anugerah yg xde nilai, boleh?

Kalau yer pon xtakut buat dosa, jgnla salahkan org yg melahir dan membesarkan…