Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Adalah extremely happy dan best!!! Haha. Saya telah dipuji oleh Otai di sini yg telah terkenal di seantero office dengan kemoodyannya. Haha. Best giler ye. Ngeh ngeh.

We were gossiping about a lady, who came for an interview when shah said,

“ha listen yani. Don’t ask Miss lim too much or otherwise she’ll say you sume nk Tanya”.

Then Miss lim replied,

” eh she’s not that type. She’s ok. There’s difference between willing to learn and asking too much. She’s good. And she’s in the right track and bla bla bla….”

(xmo r bgtau sume. Stg riak plak. Ahahha)

To Miss Lim, Thanks a bunch! For cheering me up. hehe