Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the title

Here I go. Hehe

I have been realizing for quite some time that I need to blog. I need to blog to get things off my mind and off my shoulders. I’ve started posting some things on one of this particular website, but I think letting my fingers dancing on keyboard to post on my own blog will be much more functional and fun. At least for me. Hehe

Oh. Why Yarnie Iris?

1. a fren of mine gave dat commercial name for our study grup. My official name in that “so-called association” is Yarnie Iris, instead of my real name, yani. Haha. He gave that kind of commercial value for every person’s name in our study grup. Hehe. Kak ija was Eja Ohara. Cam nama jepun kn. Hehe. Yg lain2 xingt. I was pretty segan dan pelik at first, but it turns out to be fun. Haha. Because people didn’t know the exact members of our grup. Haha. Masa print out notes for each other kami akan letak dat name. haha. So bleh study dgn tenang tnpa gangguan anasir-anasir luar yg mgkin akan menyemakkan apa yang sedia ada. Haha. Jht x? hehe. Utk kebaikan sume kan.

2. sume blog title yg aku nak letak sudah diambil org…maklumlah sy ketinggalan bab2 blogging nie.. haha. So adelah salah dari segi copyright mahupun pattern mahupun trademark jikalu sy menjadi hackers dan menggunakan nama2 yang sudak menjadi milik org itu..hehe. apakah. Msti Puan Zinatul marah saya telah menghancurkan ilmu IP yg diajar beliau. Haha.
3. mcm unik jer nama yg faidean bg tu. haha. dan adlah tiada lg nama org sebegitu. so xpyh pk bnyk kali. hehe

4. Saja suka hati. Hehe. lol

Ok sambung keja. =P


Anonymous said...

welcome to blogging world dear..

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...
