Thursday, February 19, 2009

My best companion.

For many many reasons, I love her. The way she made me laughed, the way she made me feel completely at ease, the way she consoled me and made me feel contented, the way she pulled me away from the house of madness when signs of depression are seen around me, the way she carried herself, everything. I love her. For years, I’ve cried on her shoulder. And I am 100% sure that for my entire life, I will never met someone who understands me as well as she did. I know that. And because of that, I appreciate her a lot.(I meant it) I’ve done everything I could to make sure our bond lasts forever. Or at least that’s what I believed.

Somewhere along the way, for some particular reason, there’s a bit complication arose between us. It makes everything turns out to be soooooo complicated. I myself started to feel the distance. A lot of things keep lingering in my mind which cannot be erase. I believed she feel the same way too. But I've also learned that as our surroundings changed, people do changed too. In certain parts, so did I. I’m a human, and I’m sooo not perfect. I’m not proud of myself if I did wrong, if I ever hurt my best friend’s feeling. (I am really sorry for that. =( I want us to treat the wounds as well as heal the sorrow, shall we?)

Haida and I have shared so many great things in life, and have walked through so many paths together. I don’t want to loose her, because I just can’t stand not having her in my life; being my ears and my eyes. After all, that’s what friends are for, rite?; read each other’s thoughts, finish each other’s sentences.

So Noorhaida bt Shaari.

Today is 19th February 2008.

There you are. Turning twentyfive.

You are now officially 25 year old dear! hee


I wish you to have knowledge to make the right decisions in every choices, strength in your values, laughter and fun, goals to pursue, and happiness in all that you do. I wish you to have beautiful experiences each new day as you follow your dreams. I wish you’ll have all the love in this world and world after this. Thank you haida, 4 always be there, 4 your unconditionally kindness, care and love.

(Thank you 10 everything! ;p )

1997~2009=12 years of friendship..2009~ and still counting… =)


Aiso said...

happy birthday to you then... :)

Header said...

Happy beday yani! eh salah baca lerr..hahahaha. Terima Kasih!!!!!! I love You! ;) eh. u mmg suka gamaq nih kan?

Anonymous said...

Beday saper nih? bukan beday i ker?? huhuhu. mekasih yangg..

Header said...

wei! its 2009! hahaha

being aishah! said...

So sweet ;-) Happy birthday haida even know I macam kenal you tapi xkenal you..haha..
to yani, do u think when people change, are their heart also change?

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...

aiso: tq on behalf of my fren..n thx for drop by. =)

fhenk: yer2. typo. 2009! =P

echa: life is unpredictable do human. =)tp kalau iman kuat, insyaAllah,wlapun sume berubah, hati itu ttp sama. kdg2, bila hati tu berubah.., mmg itula yg Tuhan nak pon..change. to be abetter person.=)