Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coffee lover!

Ngeee..Masa nak clean up my hrd disk, nk delete2 benda2 lama, nk susun2 folder, trjumpa file nie. Bila bc balik mcm lawak jer. Haha. Aritu haida ckp kalau tgk gilmore girls msti tingt speech kopi saya. Haha. Anyway ini adelah my speech utk final assessment for public speaking. Nsb baik mndpt approval my lecturer, kerana saya tau dia jugak adelah coffee lover!! Haha.Nak hidup kena pandai cr mkn maa… =P

Coffee vs Tea-
The reasons why a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea.

Specific goal: I would like the audience to believe that a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea. (wajib ade goal yer..=P)

Few things in life can make a person truly happy, and for every individual, the thing that really pushes their buttons is different. For some, it’s rewarding career. For others, it’s a dedicated family life. For Lorellai Gilmore in Gilmore Girls, Rory can make her happy, and also, a cup of black coffee every morning in Luke’s cafĂ©. (ok haida, sy jugak tidak tau dr mana sy mndpt idea psl nie. Haha) Like I’ve said just now, everyone’s different. But I believe that there are few things that Lorellai, you and me have in common, coffee! The alluring aroma of steaming hot coffee just brewed from freshly roasted beans can dray sleepers from bed and pedestrians into cafes. That is the power of coffee. I love coffee so much more than tea, as much as most of us love to see Usher than Michael Jackson. (perlukah sy membandingkn [kulit] mereka? Ish ish.) I cannot start the day without my ritual injection of coffee. (wakaka) Despite of this, I’m well aware of all the health risks associated with coffee. For this reason, I’ve tried to restrict myself to the recommended limit of a cup per day. I’ve read a lot of books and done so many researches on the link between health and coffee. (cewah. Konon..hahaha) At last, my curiosity has helped me to find that they are good news for coffee drinkers. It turns out that it is not all doom and gloom for coffee lovers. So, today, I would like to tell you why a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea.

Coffee can calm you down and keep you awake for a long time.

a. based on a study at Harvard Uni. Of Public Health, caffeine in coffee will calm people down. This study has shown that drinking a cup of coffee a day can relieve tension headaches rather than a cup of tea, which is less effective.
b. according to a study by a team from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, coffee may entertain you through times of painful boredom, as well as support you when trapped in high–pressure deadline situations. This actually seems to confirm my true experience. I believe that coffee is our ‘best friend’ as a student, especially when it comes to final week and the deadline of the assignment.
c. Besides that, in a study published in American Journal of Epidemiologist, a cup of coffee can keep you awake for a long time. It was proven that caffeine in a cup of coffee can keep you awaken for at least five hours, while a cup of tea can keep you awaken for only two hours. The study has discovered a new function of a protein in humans that intensifies the caffeine kick.
So, as a student, a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea because coffee is more effective to calm you down and keep you awake for a long time.

Coffee can be the fountain of youth for adult.

a. the Italian study that had been done to a group of more than 4000 elderly people found that coffee could be the fountain of youth for adult, especially when it comes to memory and mental functioning well into old age. It shows that elderly women who were frequent lifetime coffee drinkers performed better than tea drinkers on memory tests involving words, shapes, calculation and category tests in which they named as many animals as they could in one minute.
b. Dr. Marilyn Johnson said. “we all experience a decline in mental functioning once we hit 60, but the good news is that a cup of coffee per day may counteract this process”.
Maybe this is the reason why Lorellai Gilmore prefers coffee so much than tea!

Coffee can protect you against some diseases.

a. probably the best kept-secret about coffee is that it delivers more antioxidant than tea. In fact, coffee has four times the antioxidant content than green tea. The health benefits of antioxidant are abroad. Antioxidant is a substance in some food including coffee that mop up damaged body cells and protects it from cancer.
b. Moreover, chlorogenic acid in coffee bean has been proven to cut the risk of liver cancer by 80%, than 50% for tea. Japanese researcher, Professor Ichiro Tsuji said in his report that people who drink a cup of coffee a day are less likely to develop liver cancer than those who do not.
c. Other than that, three studies that had been published in Medical Journal of Neurology reveal strong links between coffee and tea intake and the risks of Parkinson’s disease. People who drink a cup of coffee a day are 60% to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s, compared to tea, which is only 30% to 50%.
Overall, the researches show that coffee is more healthful than it is harmful.

(disclaimer:semua fakta ini diambil dr sumber2 trtntu yg sudah tidak ingt. Better check by urself 1st. jgn saman saya kalau tidak berkesan kpd anda. hahaha)


In short, the three reasons why a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea are because, firstly, coffee can calm you down and keep you awake for a long time, secondly, coffee can be the fountain of youth for adult and finally, coffee can protect you against some diseases. Compared to tea, coffee has its power over the senses. Being able to have the opportunity to love coffee is a gift.(wakakaka. Lawak kot yani. haha) Drinking it regularly I must admit is a talent. (xthn okk..wakaka) But again, for a better health, limiting coffee for a cup each day does have its advantages. Personally, I think, like many other health issues, there are always shades of grey. If you ate nothing but carrots, you could die of Vitamin A poisoning after all. (xtergelak kah sy masa memberi ucapan ini? Haha) While deciding which blend you should try today, think about what it will bring upon your senses. I suggest a dark, thick texture, or just a light temptation of smooth silky coffee to sparkle your mind. (tegagap ok part nie. Haha) Because of the superb taste of coffee and all of the advantages, I don’t think you would ask, “Why a cup of coffee a day is better than a cup of tea?” again. So, drink up! And feel the power of coffee, just like the proverb from Turkey. “Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love”. (mcm..tahpaper.. xtaula dapat dr mana sume2 ni. haha)


Yg plg lawaknya, lepas speech 5-8 minutes nie hbs, saya telah menghidangkan a cup of coffee kpd my lecturer n jugak kpd my classmates. Hahhahaha. (actually xingt sape yg bg idea nie kt sy. sape ek? Xingt la. Ish) Power root tau. Haha. Thnx to mala for helping me out. Jasamu dikenang. Dan kpd sume2 yg sponsor kopi esp sahrah. Hehe. Mala and I kelam kabut giler dgn adegan membancuh kopi 15 minit sblm my turn utk speech start. Haha. Xtaula sbb served kopi kt diorang saya dpt mrkah lebih ke apa, tp sy adelah sgt enjoy!!! Wlaupon sblm tu neves thp dipaksa nyanyi kt Bukit Jalil dpn 10 000 orang. Haha. Hiperbola kot yani. [tp speech Jackie plg best. Jackie kelas sy ke eh? X ingt dh jugak. Tp speech dia adelah “why people should not believe in love at first sight”. I likeee. Heee]


Princess :) said...

nice story!
tp kan.. i x suka coffee.. i lagi suka aper2 yg berasas kan choc :p tp kan.. pic last tu cam comel jer.. camner nak bt ek? any idea? hhehe ;)

Witty Angel said...

nice one!!!!really!!!!hehehe..sangatt sukee entry ni!!i coffee-addict gak..hehe...more than a cup kot..pagi 1 cup, lunch another one and dinner another 1..i dont like tea sebab nanti nak terkencing2(padahal coffee ade caffeine gak)...nyways jackie punye tu ade x speech die?hehehe sebab i dont believe in love at d 1st sight either..ngeee..alamak panjang lak komen..hehe

P/s : Owh nanti tolong votekan utk poll saye..thanks!!

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...

tania: hehe. air coklat xske sgt. i prefer choc bar. nyum2.
smile tu i pnh tgk drg buat. ambik yg hujung sudu tu, sentuh ckit jer dlm air, tarik serbuk kopi then buat bentuk. tgk derang buat mcm senang tp i xpnh try pon. haha

aina: thnx dear. sangaaaat gler coffee! haha. masa i do the research, dia ckp maksimum 3 cups per day. jgn lebih. hehe.
ala sowi xdela speech dia..

ok nnt i vote. =)

being aishah! said...

if adnan bace ni, tentu dia sangat hepi. coz he like you too, a coffee addict.hehe..
but i more prefer tea than coffee coz it taste more light that coffee.
beside that, coffee make me feels nervous la, it effect my adrenalin lah.
eh, coffee bleh ilang kan migrain x? my migrain makin teruk la.

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...

echa: ur migrain makin teruk ker? ish. better see the doc la..ajak adnan merempit pg klinik yer cik adik. =P

i tau adnan giler nescafe kn...sbb dulu echa byk membebel psl tu. haha =P

Header said...

Timer kasih sbb mengeshare speech nih dgn i smpai dpt A public speaking! kelassss gtewww

y.a.r.n.i.e.i.r.i.s said...

fhenk: ngeh ngeh. welkam dear.